paranormal phenomena enthusiast, autistic swag off the charts, linchpin of a small “organization” trying to reveal the world’s best kept secrets. sounds like a lot but if you want a thing done right, you gotta do it yourself.
ruthlessness is the name of the game, but she's over worrying what others might call her or trying to explain herself. if people just listened to her, they’d realize she’s right, and it’d be so much easier to fix things. it isn’t her fault that everyone else seems to be talking in code and following arbitrary rules, too caught up in their mindgames to see the truth. and not even the fun kind of mindgames.
her Guardian Star/soul takes the form of a Staravia.
i left the early parts of her life and family undecided on purpose. just know she was homeschooled up until college. she gravitated towards the unexplained, the paranormal, things people said were out of place in the world. just like her.
Yan was the first real friend she ever made, since they had a couple journalism classes together at Camphrier University. not only did they share multiple interests, he didn’t mind listening to her stammer through a 20 minute infodump about the latest Elgyem
sightings that week. when he told her about his powers she was speechless. for the first minute, at least, then started bombarding him with technical questions that he was all too happy to answer. finally here was actual concrete evidence of something supernatural, someone special, right at her fingertips. now, if only he put those abilities to better use...
it took her a while to notice how much Yan was struggling, but she didn’t know how to stand up to the rest of the group. nobody else spoke up and she didn’t want to lose the only friends she’d ever had. she was already aware she wasn't the most popular.
when Yan left, the remaining 3 started ignoring her. she hated herself for being so weak willed and swore to never let that happen again. with no distractions and a newfound drive, she breezed through the reminder of college, graduating with honors.
then, just like everyone apparently wanted her to, she disappeared. she got to work eliminating every record of her identity, from now on she’d only be known as Cineraceus. that gave her complete freedom to do any investigation without fear of being tailed. conspiracies, scams, high-level corruption cases, whatever piqued her interest.
as the years went by she started forming a network— victims, whistleblowers, like-minded people who knew people, and anyone she had dirt on. it didn’t matter as long as they were useful. for every thousand people she helped when breaking a story, a couple would be hurt. that’s a sacrifice somebody has to be willing to make. after all, did it matter whether she was doing it to satisfy her curiosity or leave a legacy, if in the process it built a better, more fair world?
she hadn’t heard about the Keepers until the attack on Lumiose and the ensuing government coverup. but afterwards, well, she was surprised how long they managed to keep an ancient secret organization tasked with archiving all of humanity’s knowledge under wraps. and while that would be enough to lock her in, its connection with the recent strange phenomena was the cherry on top. asking around dissenters and people in the city that night, she heard of a familiar-looking guy who had been centrally involved...
she got to tracking Yan down but he seemed to fall right into her lap, moving back to Camphrier. to be fair, she tried to give him the chance to cooperate willingly but since he refused, she had no choice but to threaten his boyfriend’s emerging music career. it was a cheap tactic and she knew it, the musician’s checkered past would end up on some gossip magazine sooner or later, but Yan had too much useful information to just let him off the hook.
Ninshubur, the Starly
♀ — weak but fast and extremely smart. used more as a messenger and for reconnaissance and tracking.
Tesla, the Magnemite
◌ — shield and EMP bomb when needed. carelessly curious at times. very protective of Nadia.
Mechta, the Clefable
♂ — her oldest and strongest pokemon, and the only one who knows how to actually battle, although he doesn’t enjoy doing it and prefers staller tactics.