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"I don't get it."

The other four people in the circle looked at the brawny youngster, the light from the bonfire made it hard to tell if his expression was that of confusion or anger.

"Why are they called Guardian Stars if they don't... guard...? I mean, they're not protectors. And where does the star part even come from? It makes no sense." He crossed his arms, his tone dismissive.

"Well..." The boy lit up a cigarette in the embers before settling back in between the legs of the redhead. "You don't have to believe it if you don't wanna."

"Nah dude, I can't at this point," he groaned. "But like, where was that "guardian" when I needed it, or Alan's when his mom flies off the handle?"

The boy looked up to the redhead as if seeking support, who was hugging his shoulders from behind, sitting on a log. But he just shrugged. "Well, he's not wrong."

He shifted his weight, laughing slightly uncomfortable. "Ehm... I— I don't know, that's just what I found. They've always been called that."

"It's stupid, even we could come up with something better," decided the youngster.

"Shut up, at least you got something cool!" shot back the girl with heavy black eyeliner. "You know how it felt to be told mine was a booger?"

The youngster let out a boisterous laugh. "Yeah, imagine if I’d gotten the Alolan one, they're so ugly."

"Even then." She pointed at him with her beer bottle. "At least those are Dark type!"

"And yours is a Dragon type, what more could you want?" he mirrored her gesture, making their bottles clink in a makeshift toast.

"So a Fairy type can kill me? No way!" she snorted before taking a swing of her beer.

He had to stop drinking so as to not choke when he laughed at that. "Dark is also weak to Fairy, you fucking emo!"

On the other side of the circle, the blonde girl kept her eyes on the sky over the river they were camping next to, as if searching for something. "Hey Yanny... What are those things actually for?"

The boy seemed glad to finally have a question he could actually answer. "According to what I read, whoever has a legendary pokemon as a Star can control it, it’s even said the chosen one could catch it."

The redhead placed his chin on the top of the boy's head. "And what do the rest of us normal people get?"

"Uhm..." he considered it for a moment. "Well, I found a couple sources that said some powerful necromancers could summon their Stars to attack."

"Necromancers..." the blonde girl repeated, opening her eyes wide. "Like you?"

"Not exactly normal then," muttered the redhead absentmindedly.

He stopped smiling at that. "I-- I'm not sure if I'd call myself one? I definitely don't have the power to... raise the dead, let alone to summon something like that..."

"But you could, eventually," she insisted, her voice showing way too much interest.

"Who, Yanny?" shouted back the youngster with a scoff. "His Star isn't even evolved!"

Everyone in the group laughed. Except for the boy, who sighed and flicked the cigarette butt into the bonfire.

"Come on," whispered the redhead, hugging him tighter, "don't be such a sourpuss, Yanny, it's just a joke."

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