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The spring sun came in bright and strong that morning. The boy was staring out the window from the unmade bed, in the distance the silhouette of the Prism Tower could be seen.

"What's the matter?" asked a feminine voice, seconds later the girl walked into the room. "It's pretty late for you to still be in bed."

The boy turned to look at her, the sun shining off her dark skin contrasting with her pink locks and a white shirt a couple sizes too big for her. He bit his lip, hesitating before answering.

"Do you think our souls are worth anything?"

The girl threw her head back and cackled loudly but immediately composed herself. "Really starting the day off great, huh."

"It's just that..." The boy lowered his gaze, putting his thoughts in order. "Something like souls must exist, right? That's why ghosts exist. Anyone can see ghost pokemon, but only I can see people-ghosts. And there's so many more ghost pokemon. And some of them used to be people. Does that mean pokemon souls are stronger? That they're worth more?" He ran a hand through his hair, breathing heavily. "What if the only thing that comes after life is just staying in this world? If not, who stays? Most people even think we were created by a pokemon, you know that. What does that say about us?"

The girl sat down next to him on the bed.

"And most people would think you're crazy because of the things you can see." She smiled softly. The boy tried to smile back but he clearly still seemed troubled. "Yeah nobody can help thinking about those things, most of all you with your powers..." She grabbed his hand. "But you can't let it get to you like this. We have worth no matter what comes after our life."

"So what do you do then?" he replied.

"You can believe whatever makes you feel better." The girl shrugged. "That's what everyone does, even if they don't think they do. You can’t force something that doesn’t sit well with you. I want to believe my sister is in a better place, don't you?"

The boy remained silent, looking at their linked fingers.

"I guess," he whispered after a couple seconds.

"Come on, get up," said the girl in a more cheerful voice. "I found a pancake recipe you're gonna love!"

She kissed his cheek and exited the room. The boy sat still, staring at the door for a while, and breathed deeply before following her.

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