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The boy fell on the floor next to his Honedge and the remains of his broken camera. The youngster twisted one of his arms from behind, digging one knee on his back.

"The only reason I never did anything to you back then was Alan, I just didn't want him to get upset. But I always knew you were a spineless fuck." He spat down on him. "All you had to do was keep him happy and you couldn't even manage that. Do you have any idea how bad he got when you left? Nobody does that to my best friend."

The boy could only let out a pained whine when the pressure increased. Snow and silence covered the street, but the battle hadn't caught anyone's attention inside their houses. Sunday afternoon in this town, in the middle of winter, he should've known better.

His sight focused on the sword next to him, weakly waving its cloth. He tried to say something but he could barely breathe.

The youngster chuckled. "Love how you thought you could do something with that toothpick. Are you really that stupid? Didn't you learn the type chart? I thought you were the expert."

Some steps to his side, his pokemon growled a snicker and put its claws over the sword. It stared down at the both of them with a cocky expression.

"Did you know Krokorok hold their prey in their jaws while rolling and don't stop until they dismember it? Maybe keep that in mind." He finally let go and got to his feet. "Next time I see you ‘round here I'll fuck you up... Though I might just let Fido do his thing." He smiled, patting his crocodile. "Oh and," he looked down at the boy, his smirk turning darker, "just say this was an accident, if you know what's good for you, Yanny." He kicked him in the stomach. "If you cause any more issues I'll fucking kill you."

The boy laid down, trying to catch his breath, coughing, until the youngster disappeared in the distance. Finally, he managed to stand up and put his pokemon back into its pokeball. The frozen pavement was stained with blood from his nose, and his face felt numb, but at least that helped with the pain.

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