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It was the beginning of winter and once again a blanket of snow covered the outskirts of the castle like every year. The only person around was a boy who'd been smoking there for an hour despite the cold. Finally, he let the cigarette butt fall, watching it get extinguished when it made contact with the ice, and took a pokeball out of his pocket. From it emerged a Honedge.

"It's been a while since we've seen each other, Ehre..." He kneeled down in front of her, paying no mind to the way his pants got wet. "I won't be doing those.. excursions, anymore. At least for a while... I won't need your help."

The pokemon stared at him, not betraying any emotion.

"I did everything I could... I really thought what happened in Lumiose... would be enough." He held her gaze for a second but then had to look away, trying to not get frustrated. "Guess that's as far as our deal went. I'm giving you the choice to be free, I don't think I can do anything else for you."

The sword shook its cloth to get his attention and swung from side to side to signal a negative response.

The boy frowned. "You do understand that I might not use you for a long time... And then I'll leave Kalos. Are you sure you want to stay with me?"

It spun in place.

"Ehm... alright." He offered up the pokeball and she went inside on her own.

He was left alone in the yard, and by then started feeling the cold seeping into his bones. Despite that, he stood in place for a couple more minutes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to the void.

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