honestly a lovely person if you’re on her good side. too bad people so often aren’t. and by people it usually refers to Zion in particular.
has no problem with the way her job contrasts with her aesthetic and finds it really satisfying if a bit frustrating to prove wrong those who underestimate her. usually nice with people outside the organization, doesn’t even mind taking a picture with civilians if they ask about her outfit; but she doesn't take any shit from those within.
expects and demands her teammates protect her, as one of the most valuable assets in the team. won't let anyone forget how much work she's putting in and that she can take away her graces whenever she wants. just cause she’s usually working as support from the sidelines doesn’t make her any less of a participant. she shouldn't have to change anything about herself to be taken seriously.
although she hides it, she’s pretty paranoid and can never let go of her need to be self-reliant, hence the bat. it’s supposed to be more of a last resort in case things go south and she has to fend for herself, but she tends to use it a little too much. she's actually more prone to violence than her twin.
PonPon, the Venomoth
♀ — caught it as a Venonat
when she was a kid. doesn't know much about fighting, all the attacks it knows are to protect her. it's more of a pet but they can still work together if it’s needed. Junko has become completely immune to its poison, which is nice since it loves cuddling up to her.
Pepper, the Breloom
♀ — got it as a gift from Wanda when it was a Shroomish
, altho Junko would sooner forget that fact. has a moveset chosen to have perfect synergy with her skills, so it always accompanies her in jobs. a bit too feisty sometimes, rarely spends time out of its pokeball on her day-to-day life.