Emilie is a knight. or at least she used be, technically still is? she considers herself a knight at any rate. see, things went badly at some point 500 years ago and her soul miiight've ended up trapped in a sword and now she's a pokemon and has to obey some wimp cause he convinced her he could actually help her. don't call her Emilie, she's Ehre. for now.
she's a no-nonsense kind of woman, er, sword. strict and to the point, but holds herself to the same high standards as everyone around her. she actually deeply trusts Yan's judgment even when she doesn't fully agree with him. and despite her initial reluctance and how much it pisses her off when he doesn't stand up for himself, he's grown on her.
as a pokemon she loses her temper more easily and has even attacked Yan on occasion, it's a work in progress. had trouble showing her feelings even as a person, now as a chunk of metal they're harder to express and it takes really knowing her to read her minute shifts.
she used to be the second in command to the General of the Gendarmerie de Shabboneau Castle during the XV Century, under the Villard-Antón family— whose reign covered Camphrier
and the surrounding territories, including Route 5
and the current berry fields on Route 7
. the only reason she wasn't allowed to climb any higher was because of her birth circumstances, but she never let that hold her back. all she had she worked hard for, well known in the military for her pragmatism, her smarts and her ferocity in battle, but she was never needlessly cruel. chivalrous and composed, the exemplary knight. sure, some nights she’d lie awake with the thoughts of how much more she could do for the kingdom if she was given full command, but she knew her place in society and she expected everyone else to do as well. she was proud but she'd never let it show, all the ugly bits of her kept tightly under wraps.
and she could’ve ridden out that life to a satisfactory retirement or glorious death in the battlefield if it hadn’t been for the siege. in a snow covered night of brutality, Camphrier was invaded without apparent warning. the fight got worse, her army barely being able to hold itself up in the castle under a disorganized leadership, it was obvious there was no winning. in her one moment of weakness, all her frustration came pouring out as she broke, fleeing the battle and going into hiding.
but somehow, her side won. unfortunately, they found her the next day and weren’t too happy with her excuses. she was branded a deserter and publicly executed. her reputation was run through the muck and most records of her person were lost to time. some rumors even started circulation that she’d been in coven with a witch...
much time passed before she realized she hadn’t died. or “realize” isn’t the right word since she wasn’t all herself by then. her body stiff, her thirst unquenchable, her anger crystallized. that’s how, 500 years later, Yannick found her in the vicinity of the Shabboneau Castle. she attacked him at first, this strange man trying to approach her. but he came back, despite her best efforts, he kept coming back day after day. and talking to her— how long had it been since someone talked to her? she began remembering, vaguely, that she hadn’t always been like this. he kept trying to communicate with her, taking her to a library she’d never seen before, reading her lists upon lists of years and people she sort of recognized. until they hit the mark. the only thing they could find of her, her entire life trajectory barely more than a footnote in the court records of that year.
she was convinced her final act had been her cardinal sin, and she had to right it out. or maybe that’s what Yan thought, at that point it was hard to tell what she was thinking. in any case, they came to an agreement: she would become his pokemon, his protector, his knight; and he would become her guide in this quest to regain her honor, to reconnect with her human spirit, to earn the afterlife she didn’t seem to deserve anymore.
since she didn’t feel like the same person yet and she was still ashamed to brandish her old name, they started calling her Ehre.
life as Yan’s pokemon wasn’t so bad. he wasn’t the most diligent trainer but she didn’t mind. she’d never admit it but she even enjoyed the company, though she felt extremely uncomfortable in her new body and would rather stay in her pokeball most of the time.
the first crack happened immediately after, when they encountered Kevin and Fido. there was no hope and both of them knew it but they gave it their best shot. still, the crocodile nearly snapped her in two, and her trainer was left in pretty bad shape too◇.
the second crack came when Yan made those strange new friends, and one he seemed particularly fond of caught a Phantump. he seemed just as pissed as her for once, but then told her to trust him and let this man keep it
. she tried talking with the small ghost, who seemed fine with the arrangement, so she let it slide
the third and final strike came during the attack on Lumiose. it was like a dream come true, finally, Dernier Combat, the mythical chance to right her wrong from all that time ago and defend the kingdom’s capital to the very end. even Yan seemed sure of it. but afterwards... it didn’t feel like a victory. nothing felt right. furious, she turned on Yan but... it was no use. dejected, unable to look him in the eyes anymore, she hid in her pokeball . days later he tried to coax her out and teach her a new attack the Gym Leader they fought against had used, but she was completely unable to follow his instructions and lost control again. she refused to come out for months afterwards.
she barely registered what was going on outside in that time until she heard that punk and his now Krookodile, and was ready for revenge, but Yan wouldn’t let her. weeks later when he finally allowed her to come out, they were in the same place they’d met, next to the Castle. Yan explained to her that he might be moving to a different region, and gave her the chance to leave, as he felt he had failed her. she wasn’t sure why, but she refused, going back into her pokeball without another word◇.
the next time she came out, she was in said far off region, a place she’d never heard of, in the middle of a battle . now this she could do. she slayed all her enemies with a freeing brutality she didn’t think she was capable of, as Yan watched in horror at what she’d become. invigorated by that victory, she evolved. Yan fell to his knees and asked why. just what of that carnage had worked where all their previous attempts had failed. she didn’t have the answer, but she felt better than ever before, and she finally made up her mind to stay by his side
she trusts him to figure it out.