it’s hard to talk about Kevin cause he used to be a real piece of shit who peaked in high school, but nowadays he’s a guy trying his hardest to become a better person for his daughter, despite having no support network and a mess of rage and trauma to untangle. still very loud and boastful but in a more himbo way nowadays y'know. he's still figuring this side of himself out.
he’s what happens when you realize it doesn’t matter if you forgive someone for what they did to you, they can improve without your permission.
his Guardian Star/soul takes the form of a Kantonian Persian.
born and raised in Camphrier, Kalos, in an apartment complex. his father was extremely physically abusive and his mother was nowhere to be found. he grew into someone who acted cocky to cover any insecurity, jokingly making threats he fully intended to act on, flying off the handle and picking fights at the smallest provocation.
he’s been friends with Alan, who lived in the same building, since childhood and they used to always cover for each other when things got bad. their relationship was completely platonic but they couldn’t function without the other.
he could only understand the world through survival of the strongest, with the exception of Alan, whom he was extremely protective of. when Alan became an apprentice in a car shop, he started accompanying him to the junkyard to look for parts. that’s where he found an abandoned Sandile, which he adopted and called him Fido.
the only outlet he ever found for his frustration was partying and sports. specifically he became the local top rugby player and got a the chance to join an important professional team as soon as he finished high school. he was ecstatic to be able to leave town, the first time he truly had something to look forward to. however in the last couple months of senior year, while friendly wrestling with Fido (a sort of training for the both of them), he evolved into a Krokorok. unable to gauge its new strength, he injured Kevin and broke his collarbone.
everything fell apart after that. he found out he'd never be able to play again, he lost the sponsorship and his father kicked him out. all the adults in his life seemed to lose interest in him and he had to fend for himself. once again, Alan was the only friend who stayed with him through the misery.
of course the one time he lost Alan at a party, he got too fucked up to handle himself and in swept this wonderful guy to "save him". most of his relationships followed a similar pattern and Kevin was well prepared to handle the fallout, but Alan swore this time it was different. yet he immediately disliked Yan upon meeting him, who embodied everything he hated. even when Kevin tried to keep composure to not upset Alan, this guy seemed to push all his buttons. in particular the time Yan stood in between Fido and some Phantump he was about to fight◇. breaking his nose just felt like the most reasonable reaction, nobody else in the group minded anyways.
seeing how distraught Alan was after the breakup did nothing to quell his anger. two years later, when he came across Yan in an empty snowy street, he made good on all his promises. he beat him up, broke his camera, let Fido handle his Honedge, and told him to never show his face again◇.
he’ll fully admit the news about having a daughter came a bit like a slap to the face. but one look at the baby was all it took for something new to bloom in him. he vehemently refused to put her up for adoption when the mother said she couldn't handle it. fine, he’d take care of her all by himself, like he’d always done. and he wouldn't let anything in the world hurt her. not even himself. not even Alan.
the more he spent trying to learn how to raise a baby, the more he realized he couldn’t keep living like he had up until now— and he didn’t want to. all the rage he felt at the way he was raised was turned into motivation to do better. learn to control his emotions, make the world a good place for her. he didn’t want his daughter to grow up bitter and scared like him. so he barely registered the breach that had formed between Alan and him until it was too late. in retrospect it felt silly to expected his best friend to grow alongside him in this aspect too, he knew Alan well enough. when he started talking about Yan being back in town, Kevin lost it. like ripping half his heart out, he told Alan to get out of his life, no ifs, ands, or buts. he was done.
Kevin actually crossed paths a couple times with Yan afterwards◇, and despite Yan being understandably terrified of him, they managed to have some nice conversations, Kevin now being able to see value in his kindness. Yan even babysat his daughter a couple times, even if he’s still not sure how to feel about the whole thing.
Fido, the Krookodile
♂ Rash Nature — larger than average for his species. devoutly loyal of his trainer. while Kevin took the fallout of the injury extremely hard, he was always kind to Fido and didn’t blame him. they enjoyed having battles with other trainers, although more often than not, things would get out of hand. that all stopped when Kevin’s daughter was born. Fido had to settle into a peaceful, boring, domestic life. he would never hurt the little pipsqueak, no matter how annoying she can be, and Kevin trusts him with taking care of her.